A survey of Texas police chiefs at Sam Houston State University will help develop training programs at the Law Enforcement Management Institute of Texas, produce scholarly research and create an ongoing database of information on top enforcement administrators in the state.
A team of researchers at the College of Criminal Justice, including Dr. William King and doctoral students Matt Matusiak and Kim Chism, recently presented their preliminary findings on the demographics of Texas police chiefs and their ratings of serious situations they may face in office. The survey was completed by attendees of the Texas Police Chiefs Leadership Series, a state-mandated development program required biennially for all top administrators at small and medium-sized departments.
Dr. William King“It provides feedback to LEMIT on the issues that are important to Texas police chiefs and produces data to do innovative research, such as measuring the institutional environment and goals of these agencies,” said Dr. King. “It also produces data that can be used by graduate students.“. . . Read more . . .